​Chap. 12: Reflections on the Lack of Biofuel Innovation in Egypt InInnovation & Intellectual Property: Collaborative Dynamics in Africa (pp. 268 280)
Bassem Awad (Judge, Appeal Court of Egypt; Faculty of Law, Univ. of Western Ontario; Academy Tutor, World Intellectual Property Organisation) & Perihan Abou Zeid (Faculty of Legal Studies & Int'l Relations, Pharos Univ., Alexandria, Egypt)
UCT Press (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Jeremy De Beer, Chidi Oguamanam 
(Faculy of Law, Univ. of Ottawa), Chris Armstrong (Visiting Researcher
,  LINK Centre, Univ. of the Witswatersrand, S. Africa),  & Tobias Schonwetter (Faculty of Law, Univ. of Cape Town, S. Africa) 
​Chap. 9: Implementation and Monitoring of Process and Production Methods InTrade Agreements at the Crossroads (pp. 180, 186, 248)
Sofya Matteotti & Olga Nartova(Legal Research Fellows, World Trade Institute), Susy Frankel (Faculty of Law, Victoria Univ. of Wellington (NZ)) & Meredith K. Lewis (Faculty, SUNY Buffalo Law School) (Eds.)​
​Routledge Publishers (Taylor & Francis)
​Date       Organization            Author                               Title                 Excerpt/Full Report

University & Think Tank References - 2014

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

Zican Wang
Law Review 2014:4
Intellectual Property Research Center, Zongnan University of Economics & Law

​(Wuhan, China)

(Berlin, Germany)
Professor Dr. Martin Fuhr (Faculty, Hochschule Darmstadt)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard W. Wegener (Editor) (Faculty, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg)
Resources - Open Access Journal, Vol. 3, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
California Academy of Sciences

Global Trade Politics and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Debating EuropeNumero 10 (Jan.-June 2014)
a Peer Reviewed Journal from the Europe Direct Information Center of Aveiro & the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Twentieth Century, Univ. of Coimbra (CEIS20) (Portugal)
Tonga's Risky Seabed Mining Ventures (pp. 19-20)
Yoichiro Sato
(Faculty, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University ) 
Fitria Anindhita H. Wibowo
LLM Research Paper
Laws 544 Topics in Environmental Law
Faculty of Law
University of Wellington
(New Zealand)
Working Paper No. 2014/08 (June 2014) NCCR Trade Regulation (Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research, of the Swiss National Science Foundation)
​Giftfri Miljo och Rattsutvecklingen pa Kemikalieomradet

Non-Toxic Environment and Legal Developments in the Chemicals Sector (pp. 7, 31)

Nelson Fernando Coelho (Faculty of Law, Univ. of Coimbra) (Portugal)
Julie Smith, Judith Galtry & Libby Salmon
(Senior, Adjunct & Visiting Fellows, Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health, Australian National University) 
Journal of Australian Political Economy   
(Vol 73, Winter)
What Goes Around Comes Around: How UNCLOS Ratification Will Herald Europe's Precautionary Principle as US Law 
Toward Alignment of Carbon Standards Under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
(pp. 6-7, fn#s 33, 35, 37-38) 
Dr. Kateryrna Holzer (Post-doctoral Researcher, NCCR)
Science Today - Behind the Headlines
E-International Relations, E-International Relations Publishing
Upsalla Universitet Faculty of Law Working Paper Series

Working Paper


A Primer on Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to International Trade: (Hopefully) a Common Sense, Non-Technical Discussion From a U.S. Perspective (pp. 41, 46)
Hector R. Lozada (Faculty, Marketing, Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall Univ.) & Richard J. Hunter (Law Faculty, Rutgers Univ. School of Law, Newark/Camden, NJ)
Journal of Social Economics,
Vol. 2, No. 2
 of the 
Research Academy of Social Sciences​
Exporting Standards: The Externalization of the EU's Regulatory Power via Markets ​(pp. 8, 9, 11, 15)
Anu Bradford
(Faculty, Columbia Law School) 
How to Save TTIP ​(pp. 1, 9, 10)
Jorg Wolfe, Jillian Beytin, Christopher Huppertz and Matthew Skinner
Encyclopedia of European Law, European Cross Sectional Policies ​(Enzyklopadie Europarecht [EnzEur], Europaische Querschnittspolitiken) 
(Sec. 4 - Technology Law and Standardization, pp. 206, 227, 290) 
Charlotta Zetterberg (Faculty of Law Upsalla Universitet) (Upsalla, Sweden)
Patent Law 'Greening': Risks, Origin of the Precautionary Principle - Establish and Apply
The Implication of the Precautionary Principle on International Trade  ​(pp. 2, 4, 9-13, 23, 27-28)
Wayne Gumley (Faculty, Monash Univ., Clayton Victoria, Australia)

Keeping Junk Science at Bay on Global Warming

Gabriel Siles-Brugge (Faculty of Politics, 
Manchester University) (Manchester, UK)
​A Protecao do Ambiente Marinho - Prolegomenos Jusinternacionalistas a uma Reposta Europeia InDesafios Europeus no Ambito das Aguas e dos Mares

Protection of the Marine Environment - A European Response to International Law In Debating Europe: European Challenges in the Scope of Waters and Seas(pp. 31, 46)

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