"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
Summary: This Working Paper identifies and describes the growing number of foreign government regulatory mechanisms designed to convert privately developed IP-rich technologies into virtually free-of-charge 'public interest' assets, mostly at the expense of the U.S. innovation and investment communities.
Summary: This article discusses how developing countries aspire to become 21st century knowledge economies by converting high technology patents and trade secrets from private to 'public goods' via compulsory licensing and royalty-free e-government procurement ICT interoperability standards.
Summary: This article discusses how the OSS movement persuaded the UK Government to break from the EU Commission position that government procurement ICT standards should be technology and business model-neutral.
Summary: This article discusses how the IT industry-backed OFE misrepresented the benefits of UK Government procurement of OSS and points to the Dutch Audit Court findings as evidence thereof.
Summary: This article advises the UK government to consult the Dutch Audit Court findings regarding OSS before altering IT procurement rules.
Summary: This article discusses how the BPCIA's grant of longer periods of IP marketing/data exclusivities to original biologic reference drugs has generated considerable post-enactment debate, within and beyond the U.S.
Washington Legal
Foundation Critical Legal Issues Working Paper Series No. 175
Issue Date Publication Article Title Reference