ITSSD evaluates the WTO-compatibility of the current Philippine and draft Hong Kong infant formula and complementary foods marketing frameworks, the objective of which are to promote nutrition through breastfeeding for infants aged 0-12 months and young children 1-3 years of age, to ensure food safety, and to prevent consumer confusion. However, they have unnecessarily curtailed the marketing and market access of infant follow-up formula and complementary food products and the use of proprietary trademarks, trade names and company names in these jurisdictions. The ITSSD evaluations are contained in five analyses published by Lexis-Nexis, available (here).
ITSSD files amicus curiae brief at the United States Supreme Court supporting the US Chamber of Commerce in an action challenging the legality of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA's") promulgation of very costly and burdensome greenhouse gas ("GHG") tailpipe and stationary source emissions regulations. The ITSSD brief focuses on the peer review process which the EPA was required to but did not follow in vetting the highly influential scientific assessments upon which EPA subsequently based its Final GHG Endangerment Findings and burdensome and costly regulations. The brief is available (here).
ITSSD President Lawrence Kogan participates on a joint trade, investment and intellectual property panel at the 23rd Annual Inter-Pacific Bar Association Annual Conference/Meeting in Seoul, Korea, discussing the evolution of regulatory frameworks curtailing the marketing and use of trademarks relating to "unhealthy lifestyle products". His presentation is available (here).
ITSSD President Lawrence Kogan has secured publication of an article in the forthcoming issue of Kluwer Law International's Global Trade & Customs Journal that is based on his panel presentation at the recently convened BIOKorea 2011 Conference. An abstract of this article is available (here). See the website's Programs section for the full article.
ITSSD President Lawrence Kogan delivers a presentation at the BIOKorea 2011 Annual Conference in Seoul, Korea discussing the IP-related provisions of the recently enacted US Biologics, Price, Competition and Innovation Act ("BPCIA"), and their potential impact on IP licensing and US trade relations. The abridged version of Mr. Kogan's presentation is available (here). See the website's Programs section for the full presentation.
The ITSSD will be attending, as ad hoc observer, the 16th plenary session of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP 16) to be convened in Geneva, Switzerland. See the website's Programs section for the ITSSD's SCP 16 Diary.
ITSSD President Lawrence Kogan will be attending the Inter-Pacific Bar Association's 2011 Annual Meeting/Conference taking place in Kyoto, Japan, where he will participate as a panelist discussing issues at the Intersection of IP, Competition and International Trade - Technological Innovation, Technology Standards. The abridged version of Mr. Kogan's presentation is available (here). See the website's Programs section for the full presentation.
ITSSD President Lawrence will be a guest speaker at the April 15, 2010 meeting of the American National Standards Institute ("ANSI") Intellectual Property Rights Policy Committee, to be convened in Arlington, VA. The abstract to his presentation, entitled, How Smart Are Standards that Sacrifice Intellectual Property Rights?, is available (here), and the full presentation is available in the Programs section of this website.
ITSSD President Lawrence Kogan is the featured speaker at the American National Standards Institute ("ANSI") Caucus Luncheon, to be convened at the National Press Club, Washington, DC. His presentation is entitled, Climate Change: Technology Transfer or Compulsory License?, and is available in the Programs section of this website.
ITSSD Advisory Board Member Professor Leed Reed will be speaking at the University of Plymouth Faculty of Social Science and Business Conference in Devon, United Kingdom, about Property and the Common Good.