L'Atto Autentico Europeo e la Costruzione del Giuridico Comune (pp. 3-4)

​The European Authentic Act and Construction Space Common Legal

Roberto Barone, V.P. CNUE e Consigliere nazionale del Notoriato
Cassa Nazionale del Notariato Bollettino No. 1/2009 
(Roma Italy)
Potential of Russia's Biotech Sector
The Pharma Letter
(Putney, London, England, ​UK)
​Ish Puneet Singh
1 American J. of Economics & Business Administration (Science Publications)
Authentic Act - Revision of the Brussels I Regulation
​General Assembly Meeting Draft Minutes
International Chamber of Commerce WIPO Delegation​
​IP & Trade
Dehrin Patki (Editor)
​IP Literature
Jonathan Odumeru​
IP Osgoode
IP Law & Technology Program
​March 2010
​Report on the 15th Session of WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, SCP, Geneva 11-15, Oct. 2010
​Best Practices in Green Manufacturing and Technical Textiles ​(pp. 7, 39)
Aldjia Begreiche, Bertrand Derome, et al.​
J. Rodney
26 ​Int'l Journal of Marine & Coastal Law 
Publishers (Brill)
​Jessica Downing
​18 Journal of Commercial Biotechnology.
​William R. Schubert
​Date     Organization          Author                            Title                             Excerpt/Full Report

​Industry, Trade & Professional References (2008-2012)​

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

California Foundation for Commerce and Education (CFCE)
California Chamber of Commerce
General Notes and Impressions of 14th SCP Plenary Session
WIPO SCP 14th Plenary Session​
Feb. 2010
​March 2009
​What Honeymoon?  Trade Relations Between China and Brazil
Lizz Cannon Attorney-at-Law
​Oct. 2009
​A Review of the Potential Market Impacts of Commercializing GM Wheat in the U.S.  (pp. 7, 29)
​E. Neal Blue
​Global Health Progress
​Jan. 2010
Russia: Biopharmaceutical Sector Has Potential For Growth  ​(Fact Sheet)
​Western Organization for Resource Councils
​Dec. 2010
What Technology Wants  ​(pp. 246-248)
Kevin Kelly
Viking Press (Penguin Group)
​Executive Committee Meeting
Federation International des Conseils en Propriete Industrielle 
​March 2011
​Michael Raucci
​Sughrue PLLC
2 Green Technology Newsletter 1
​March 2011
​Textiles Human Resources Council of Canada
32 Journal of Macromarketing
(Sage Publication)
​Raj Bhala