"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

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Our mission is to explain, promote and help implement a positive global paradigm of sustainable development that affords future generations from all sovereign nations greater opportunities for a higher quality of life.  To achieve this positive paradigm we emphasize the importance of free & fair (rules-based) trade, economic growth, free markets, the rule of law, strong tangible and intangible private property rights, scientific discovery, and technological innovation. We also emphasize the need to ensure governments' open and transparent establishment, maintenance and oversight of balanced, risk-based empirical science, and economic cost-benefit analysis-driven national regulatory and standards schemes, and the quality and integrity of scientific & technical data/information that government entities rely upon, adopt as their own and disseminate to the public as a basis for agency actions, including rulemakings.

What is a Positive Paradigm of Sustainable Development?

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