Henk Zandoort (Faculty Technology, Policy & Management, Delft Univ. of Technology) (Netherlands)
Journal of Risk Analysis
​Vol. 31, No. 6
(Wiley & Sons Publ.)
Enforcement Dissonance: Lobsters, the Legislature and Federal Waters in State v. Thomas (p. 365)
Christopher J. Rauscher
Maine Law Review
​Vol. 64:1
Value Creation Mechanism and Climate Issues: An Efficient Approach for Conquering Synchronized Customer Value and Sustainable Development 
(pp. 217-218)
Shiv Prasad 
(Faculty Depts. of Management, Journalism & Mass Communication Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Univ.)
(Ajmer, India)
Arctic Policy in the United States 2007-2011 (p. 231)
Irina M.
Glazunov (Grad. Thesis
Affairs & World Politics) 
Moscow State University, Herald of Moscow State Univ. - Series 25: Int'l Relations & World Politics
Feb. 2011
Brazil's Olympic Trials: An Overview of the Intellectual Property Challenges Posed by the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games ​ (pp. 203-204)
ACTA and the Destabilization of TRIPS ​ (p. 8)
Jeffery Atik (Law Faculty & Fellow, Loyola Law School) 
Loyola Law School
Los Angeles
Legal Study Paper #2011-18
June 2011
City College of New York, City University of New York
June 2011
Climate Torts and Ecocide in the Context of Proposals for an Int'l Enviromental Court​ (Sheet 1, Side 3)
Patrick Foster (Masters Thesis International Studies) ​
City College of New York, City University of New York
June 2011
A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Certain Possibilities & Consequen Consequences of Compulsory License in TRIPS​ (Sheet 1, Side 3)
Lasse Gundtoft (Masters Thesis) ​
Copenhagen Business School
Sept. 2011
Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Oh My! Applying the Precautionary Principle to Pharmaceuticals Under Article 31 of TRIPS​ (pp. 419, 423-424)
Jennifer R. Andrew​
Michigan State Law  Review 
Sept. 2011
The Transatlantic Shift in Health, Safety & Environmental Risk Regulation, 1960-2010​ (pp. 7-8, 28)
David Vogel​
​(Faculty Haas Business School , Political Science UC Berkeley)
Dec. 2011
​ Date          Organization            Author                     Title                     Excerpt/Full Report

University & Think Tank References - 2011

Jonathan Fitchen (Faculty, University of Aberdeen School of Law)(Scotland)
Journal of Private International Law 
(Vol. 7, No. 1) 
(Hart Publishing)
Risks and Precautions of Genetically Modified Organisms (pp. 7, 13)
Dhan Prakash, Ranjana Bhatia (Institute of Microbial Technology, 
Chandigarh, India), Sonika Verma (Faculty, Biotechnology, Punjab
Univ., Chandigarh, India) and B.N. Tiwary (Faculty,  Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central Univ., Bilaspur, India)
International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Ecology, Vol. 20, No. 11
(Hindwai Publishing Corp.)(Cairo, Egypt)
International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing
​Vol. 1, Issue 3
Rescuring the Strong Precautionary Principle From its Critics  (pp. 1290, 1294, 1305, 1307, 1315)
Noah Sachs (Faculty University of Richmond School of Law)
University of Illinois Law Review
​Vol. 2011
John Yuhas 
(U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.))
Old Dominion University
​Model United Nations Conference XXXIV
Feb. 2011
Blame it on the WTO? A Human Rights Critique (pp. 123-124)
Sarah Joseph (Faculty Human Rights Law at Monash Univ.)
Oxford University Press
Comment: The Secret's Out: The Ineffectiveness of Current Trade Secret Law Structure and Protection  for Global Health ​ (pp. 779, 781, 801-802, 804-806)
Stephanie Zimmerman
Spring 2011
An Analysis of the Economic/Legal Literature of  and the Destabilization on the Effects of IP Rights as a
Barrier to Entry (prepared for WIPO) ​ (pp. 19, 23)
Joel R. Reidenberg (Faculty Fordham Law School and CLIP Chair, and Jamela Debalak, Exec. Dir. CLIP)
Fordham Law School Center on Law & Information Policy (CLIP)
April 2011
Cooperation or Conflict in the Arctic? UNCLOS and the Barents and Beaufort Sea Disputes ​ (pp. 43, 86)
Dovile Petkunaite (Masters Thesis International Relations) ​

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

Transnational Governance of Farmed Animal Welfare: A Critique of Animals as Commodities (pp. 80, 81, 120)
Colorado State University
Mindy Tommasina Miller, Master's Thesis (Political Science)
Chap. 6 - Corporate Power and State Resistance: Brazil's Use of TRIPS Flexibilities for its National AIDS Program (pp 164, 166, 172)

Chap. 7 - The Politics of Patents and Drugs in Brazil and Mexico: The Industrial Bases of Health Policies (p. 192)

InIntellectual Property, Pharmaceuticals and Public Health: Access to Drugs in Developing Countries (p. 331) 

Matthew Flynn (Faculty, International Studies, Georgia Southern Univ.) & Kenneth C. Schadlen 
(Faculty, London School of Economics & Political Science) (UK)
Edgar Elgar Publishing (Kenneth C. Schadlen, Samira Gueniff, Alenka Guzman, & N. Lalitha (Eds.) 
Issue Brief for the General Assembly Sixth Committee: Legal Review of the Law of the Sea With Regard to the Arctic (p. 7)
Issue Brief for the Security Council: The Establishment of Security Protocols in the Arctic (p. 8)
A New Crime: Possession of Wood - Remedying the Due Care Double Standard of the Revised Lacey Act  (pp. 559-560, 580-581)
Francis Tanczos
Rutgers Law Journal
​Vol. 42
Carlos E. Bacolao-Fleury
University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy
​Vol. 2011 No.1
Spring 2011
Penn State International Law Review
​Vol. 29 No. 4