Biotechnology in the Public Sphere Participatory Development Process in Agriculture (pp. 79, 106)
Maria Alexandra de Araujo Viegas Abreu Ferreira Lima (Faculty of Science & Technology UNL), Dissertation for Degree of Doctor of Engineering
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) (Monte da Caparica
Taking Stock of the Creative Commons Experiment: Monitoring the Use of Creative Commons Licenses and Evaluating Its Implications for the Future of Creative Commons and for Copyright Law (p. 31)
Giorgos Cheliotis, Ankit Guglani, Warren Chik (Faculty, School of Information Systems & School of Law, Singapore, Management Univ.) (Singapore), & Giri Kumar Tayi (Faculty, School of Business SUNY Albany)
George Mason Univ. School of Law, 35th Research Conf.
on Communication, Information & Internet Policy
Competition vs. IP Law Tension Refocused: Fair Play on the IPR Field (pp. 33, 108)
Oliviero Magagnini
(LLM Thesis - Intellectual Property/
Competition Law
Food Principles: Regulating Genetically Modified Crops After the 2006 WTO Ruling (pp. 123, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134)
U.S.-EU Trade Dispute Over Genetically Modified Crops (p. 41)
Julia Perez Melendez, David Nelson & David Olave-Delgado
The Brazilian Energy Revolution: Lessons From the Biofuel Industry Boom (pp. 19, 27)
International Intellectual Property Institute
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
University & Think Tank References - 2007
"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
The Precautionary Principle in International Law (fn# 11)
Weichun Chen (Faculty, Humanities & Law, North China Electric Power University) (Beijing, P.R. China)
Modern Law Science Journal
Rebecca Bratspie (Faculty, School of Law, City Univ. of New York) (CUNY)
Yale Journal of International Law (Vol. 32, No. 369)
Matthias Leonhard Maier (European Commission; Research Associate, Univ. of Bremen)
Tran-State Working Paper No. 68
Universitat Bremen
Pedro A. Rezende (Faculty,
Computer Science)
Robert C. Bird (Faculty, Marketing, Univ. of Conn.) and Daniel R. Cahoy (Faculty, Penn State Univ. Smeal College of Business)
Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
(Vol. 5,
Issue 3)
Penn State Environmental Law Review (Vol. 15)
Olivier Godard (Centre National de la Rechere Scientifique, Ecole Polytechnique) & Thierry Hommel (Chaire Developpement Durable de Sciences Po)
Vol. 26, Nos. 2-3), Societe Quebecoise de Science Politique(Publ.)
Sous la direction de Steve Jacob & Nathalie Schiffino (Eds.)
Development of Standards by WTO Bodies on the Example of Trade and Health: The SPS Agreement (pp. 27, 41)
Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)
(Washington, DC)
WTO Ruling on Biotech Foods Addresses 'Precautionary Principle'
(Washington Legal Foundation)
InsiderOnline Regulation and Deregulation
Rethinking Decision-making in International Environmental Law: A Process-Oriented Inquiry into Sustainable Development (p. 389)
Opening Pandora's Box: Contextualising the Precautionary Principle in the European Union (pp. 26, 41)
Elizabeth Fisher (Faculty of Law, Univ. of Oxford)
Maria Barrufet, P.E. (Faculty, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Ian Sheldon (Faculty, International Trade, Univ. of Salford)
Comment: Multi-State Environmental Agreements: Constitutional Violations or Legitimate State Coordination? (fn#s 44, 82, 94, 96, 115, 118, 121, 123, 124, 132)
Heritage Foundation (Wash., DC)
Contestation Sociale et Organisation de l'Expertise Scientifique Risques Environnementaux et Sanitaires
Social Protest and Organization of Environmental and Health Risks (pg. 29)
Domestic Industrial Environmental Cost and Strategic Choice in Developing Countries (p. 51
Dechun Huang (Faculty, Business School of Hahai Univ., P.R. China); Zhibiao Liu (Faculty, Economics, Nanjing Univ., P.R. China); Andrew F. Thompson (Faculty, Finance, Univ. of Northern Iowa); Jie Chen (Faculty, Nanjing Institute of Technology, P.R. China)
Journal of International Business & Economy (JIBE)
(Vol. 8, No. 2)
Intellectual Property and Growth in a Global Economy: Regional and Country-Specific and Development Studies
Emerging BRIC Economies: Lessons from Intellectual Property Negotiation and Enforcement (pp. 123, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134)