"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."


Library Publications

Since 2002, studies and papers of the ITSSD and its leadership have appeared in the following scholarly, professional and trade journals and media publications:

Scholarly and Professional Journals:

​The International Journal of Economic Development (SPAEF USA - 2005, 2006); The Global Trade and Customs Journal (Kluwer Law, The Netherlands - 2006-2007, 2011-2012); The National Interest (USA - 2004); Washington Legal Foundation (Legal Backgrounder, Legal Studies and Monograph Series, USA - 2003, 2005-2010, 2015); The Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations (USA - 2002, 2004); The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review (USA - 2007); Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review (USA - 2008); Santa Clara Journal of International Law (USA - 2009); San Diego International Law Journal (USA - 2011); American University International Law Review (USA - 2012); Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture and Natural Resources Law (USA-2015); LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis (USA - 2012, 2013); Mondaq (UK - 2012); Oxford University Press (UK - 2013); ICFAI Law Books Division, ICFAI University (India - 2008); European Journal of Risk Regulation (Belgium, 2013).

Trade Journals:

Chemical Watch Business Briefing Expert Focus (UK - 2012); Specialty Chemicals Magazine (UK - 2007); Revista Leader Magazine (Brazil - 2007); OIRAWatch.com (2015).

International Media:

New Europe Online (Belgium 2012); The Guardian (UK - 2011); Congressional Quarterly Researcher (USA - 2008); Washington Times (USA - 2007); Cape Cod Times (USA - 2007); Financial Times (UK - 2006, 2007); TCS Daily (USA - 2005, 2006); Rural News (New Zealand 2005);  International Herald Tribune/New York Times (UK/US 2004); EU Reporter (Belgium - 2004); Forbes (USA - 2015); Canada Free Press (Canada - 2014-2015).