voice to the global public debate..."
Scholarly and Professional Journals:
The International Journal of Economic Development (SPAEF USA - 2005, 2006); The Global Trade and Customs Journal (Kluwer Law, The Netherlands - 2006-2007, 2011-2012); The National Interest (USA - 2004); Washington Legal Foundation (Legal Backgrounder, Legal Studies and Monograph Series, USA - 2003, 2005-2010, 2015); The Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations (USA - 2002, 2004); The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review (USA - 2007); Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review (USA - 2008); Santa Clara Journal of International Law (USA - 2009); San Diego International Law Journal (USA - 2011); American University International Law Review (USA - 2012); Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture and Natural Resources Law (USA-2015); LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis (USA - 2012, 2013); Mondaq (UK - 2012); Oxford University Press (UK - 2013); ICFAI Law Books Division, ICFAI University (India - 2008); European Journal of Risk Regulation (Belgium, 2013).
Trade Journals:
Chemical Watch Business Briefing Expert Focus (UK - 2012); Specialty Chemicals Magazine (UK - 2007); Revista Leader Magazine (Brazil - 2007); OIRAWatch.com (2015).
International Media:
New Europe Online (Belgium 2012); The Guardian (UK - 2011); Congressional Quarterly Researcher (USA - 2008); Washington Times (USA - 2007); Cape Cod Times (USA - 2007); Financial Times (UK - 2006, 2007); TCS Daily (USA - 2005, 2006); Rural News (New Zealand 2005); International Herald Tribune/New York Times (UK/US 2004); EU Reporter (Belgium - 2004); Forbes (USA - 2015); Canada Free Press (Canada - 2014-2015).