"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
TTIP Impacts on European Energy Markets and Manufacturing Industries
Transatlantic Trade &
Investment Partnership
EU Parliament Directorate General for Internal Policies Economic & Scientific
WTO Doha Work Program
and NTBs - Possible Outomes & Opportunities
Non-Tariff Measures and the Post-Bali Agenda: Strategies for Small States and Vulnerable Economies (pp. 17, 36)
Simon Lacey &
Peter Draper, Tutwa Consulting for Commonwealth Secretariat
Transatlantic Trade &
Investment Partnership
European Commission Central Library
Transatlantic Trade &
Investment Partnership
European Parliament, DG For External Policies, Policy Department
Impact of a Potential EU-US FTA (TTIP) on Consumer Protection and
Food Safety
European Parliamentary Research Service
Introduction to the Safety/Risk Assessment of GM Crops
Risk Assessment, its role in decision-making, and GM crops
Secretariat Trade News Bulletin, Issue #47
Date Source Subject Title Excerpt/Full Report
Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development
WTO Ruling Disregards Precautionary Principle: Favours Science-Based 'Approach' to EU Biotech Rules, Says ITSSD
WTO decision in
EC-Biotech Products
Date Source Subject Title Excerpt/Full Report
EU View of the Precautionary Principle in Food Safety
Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Safety & Consumer Affairs
'Enlightened' Environmentalism or Disguised Protectionism: Assessing the Impact of EU Precaution-based Standards on Developing Countries
EU Regulation, Standardization and the Precautionary Principle: The Art of Crafting a Three-Dimensional Trade Strategy that Ignores Sound Science
Looking Behind the Curtain: The Growth of Trade Barriers that Ignore Sound Science
Non-Tariff Barriers - Cataloguing of 3 NFTC White Papers
Journal of Agricultural Investment (pp. 36-42)
EU Commission/ITSSD Correspondence Re: ITSSD WLF 'Exporting Precaution' Monograph
EU Commission/ITSSD Correspondence Re: ITSSD Precautionary Preference Study
Use of Precautionary Principle as a
Disguised Trade Barrier
EU Commission Research Directorate General, Biotechnology
Cataloguing of: Looking Behind the Curtain: The Growth of Trade Barriers that Ignore Sound Science
Trade Barriers; WTO; Agricultural Products and Trade; GMOs; Biotechnology
European Commission Libraries Catalogue (ECLAS)
Exporting Europe's Protectionism
World Economy/Int'l Economic System; U.S.; EU/EC; Member States
EMM News Brief -Technology Foresight
European Commission, Directorate General, Joint Research Centre
Regulatory Failure and Risk Assessment (p. 7)
Int'l Centre for Parliamentary Studies
Annual Regulatory Affairs Int'l Symposium
Eric Philippart, fmr. Principal EU Admin. & Deputy Head of Unit, Impact Assessment Team, EU Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry
Date Source Subject Title Excerpt/Full Report
Regional Economic Integration Organizations
Chemical Warfare to the Precautionary Principle - Or How TTIP is Hijacked by an Industrial Lobby to Break European Environmental & Health Standards (pp. 15, 21)