Sept. 2006 - ITSSD Request for ad hoc Observer Status at WIPO Standing Committee on Copyrights and Related Rights ("SCCR") (SCCR/15/3); Approval Granted (SCCR/15/6 - Report) (par. 12)
Nov. 2007 - ITSSD Request for ad hoc Observer Status at WIPO Advisory Committee on Enforcement ("ACE") (WIPO/ACE/4/4); Approval Granted (WIPO/ACE/4/10 - Chair Conclusions)
June 2007 - ITSSD Request for ad hoc Observer Status at WIPO Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda ("PCDA") (WIPO General Assembly A/43/13 (par. 4)), (PCDA/4/3 (par. 5)); Approval Granted (PCDA Fourth Session ​(par. 1))
June 2005 - ITSSD Moderation of:  Joint Press Conference convened by the Institute for Trade, Standards and Sustainable Development, Defenders of Property Rights, Center for Individual Freedom, Americans for Tax Reform, and Hudson Institute, at the National Press Club, Washington, DC, discussing > The Future of U.S.-Brazil Trade Relations in the Shadow of Brazil's Piracy of American Intellectual Property Rights
June 2007 - ITSSD Presentation at:  International Conference of the Government of the Kirov Region, convened at Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia, by the Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Russian Society of Biotechnologists; Panel - Biotechnology - A Scientific & Practical Priority of the Kirov Regional Development > Basic Directions of Modern Biotechnology
Theme #2:  Regional and national 'public interest' rules that diverge from consensus-based international standards should be scientifically and economically justified, should not discriminate between technologies and products incorporating them based on whether they employ a proprietary or non-proprietary business model, and should not otherwise unnecessarily burden, curtail or impose obstacles to the market access of such products, or the exercise and/or use of underlying intellectual property rights and/or assets.

Regional and national regulations promulgated to ensure universal access to healthcare, environmental, and information and communication technologies, the products in which they are incorporated, and the proprietary intellectual property (including related undisclosed technical information and know-how) underlying them at concession rate prices, can effectively constitute indirect regulatory 'takings' (indirect expropriations) of exclusive private property rights in contravention of international, regional and bilateral trade and investment agreements, especially when they are enacted for other than a bona fide legitimate public policy (disguised protectionist) purpose.

Programs - ITSSD Theme #2 (2005-2007)

Strong Intellectual Property Right Protections

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

Sept. 2007 - Submission of:  ITSSD Response to the Draft Global Strategy and Plan of Action; The Draft Global Strategy and Plan of Action (A/PHI/IGWG/2/2), with respect to which public comments had been solicitedwas prepared by the World Health Organization Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property ("IGWG") established by WHO Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health ("CIPIH") 
April 2007 - ITSSD Presentation at:  XXth Annual Forum da Liberdade, convened by the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais ("IEE"), Porto Alegre, Brazil - Conference Theme - Property Rights and Development;  Panel IV - IP In The 21st Century: Challenges & Concerns > Rediscovering the Value of Intellectual Property Rights  (This forum was reported here, here, here and here.) (photo)
June 2007 - ITSSD Presentation at:  Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation, convened by Mid-Atlantic Russia Business Council > Biotechnology - A Scientific & Practical Priority of the Russian Federation: Basic Directions of Modern Biotechnology