July 2014
LA Kogan
World Coal.com Palladian Publ.
Challenging the EPA's War on Coal With IQA

Summary: This article explains why litigation should be seriously considered to address pervasive circumvention of the IQA by EPA and other federal agencies involving multiple environmental statutes.

Council Candidate Comment Lacks Adequate Peer Review

Summary: This op-ed responds to the disparaging remarks of a former candidate for the Los Alamos County, New Mexico Council regarding ITSSD & other efforts to uncover how EPA's peer review of the climate science supporting its 2009 Clean Air Act Endangerment Findings failed to comply with Information Quality Act requirements.
July 2014
Los Alamos Monitor Online
Keeping Junk Science at Bay on Global Warming

Summary: This op-ed discusses why EPA's apparent noncompliance with Information Quality Act peer review science process requirements in evaluating the climate science underlying its 2009 Clean Air Act Endangerment Findings betrays the public trust in agency and administration climate science 
Washington Times
May 2014

Library Publications ​​2014

    Issue Date           Publication                                 Article Title                               Reference
Sept. 2014
Eurasia Review
News &Analysis

Professional Staff
Wall Street Journal
LA Kogan
Coauthored with Rick Otis
Western Journalism.com

LA Kogan
Coauthored with Paul Driessen
June 2014
ITSSD Response to Hank Campbell's Article, The Corruption of Peer Review is Harming Scientific Credibility

Summary: Discusses ITSSD's IQA-Focused FOIAs seeking EPA & DOC-NOAA Climate Science-Related Peer Review Files

July 2014
LA Kogan Coauthored with Rick Otis
Heartland Institute
Somewhat Responsible Policy & Commentary Blog

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

LA Kogan
Science for the Picking

Summary: This op-ed explains the nuanced White House agenda to incrementally shift the paradigm of science in the U.S. by failing to properly peer review key scientific assessments used as the basis for agency regulations in violation of the Information Quality Act.

July 2014
Canada Free Press
Canada Free Press
Climate Change Chicanery and the Federal Agency-Academic Complex

Summary: This article explains how the climate change consensus was based on federal agency violations of Information Quality Act peer review standards.

The Daily Caller