"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
Summary: This article discusses how the "BRICS" nations have enacted legal measures to convert privately conceived, developed and commercialized IP-rich life science, clean energy and infdormation and communication technologies into virtually free-of-charge universally accessible national 'public interest' assets.
New Europe Online Trade & Investment 2012 Special Edition
Summary: This article discusses how governments have embraced different and often inconsistent regulatory and voluntary approaches to address data privacy and security concerns which impose significant direct and indirect restrictions on trans-border data flows that have retarded the adoption of cloud service platforms and ICT jobs.
Summary: This article discusses how global chemical supply chains have experienced cross-border market distortions since the introduction of the EU REACH regulation.
Chemical Watch Global Business Briefing Expert Focus
Summary: This article outlines a possible analytical framework employing recent and relevant WTO jurisprudence for evaluating whether the EU REACH regulation, as adopted or applied, is WTO-consistent.
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