b. Engenders a Radical Transformation of Individualism & the Loss of Exclusive
2. Manifests Itself in Critical Legal Studies: Theory, Jurisprudence, Movements &
3. Calls for Private Property Rights-Transforming (Land Preservation) Initiatives
Likely to Trigger Public Opposition:
i. The Conference on Human Settlements & National Biosphere Reserves
(United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organization ("UNESCO"),
following UN General Assembly Resolution (GA/47/180) & the UN
Vancouver Declaration & Plan of Action
4. As Expressed Through Presidential SD Efforts:
Regulatory Agencies Where There is Scientific Uncertainty (pp. 20-31)
5. Reflects Use of the Precautionary Principle in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments &
in Clean Air Act Section 202(a) of the 1977 CAA Amendments, via employment of
'linear non-threshold' (LNT) dose-response curves, which method was recently
6. Encourages the First Circuit Court of Appeals to Adopt the Precautionary Principle-
Based 'Weight-of-Evidence' Approach of Evaluating Data When There is Scientific
Uncertainty, Failing to Meet the Standards Articulated by the U.S. Supreme Court
in Daubert v. Merrell Pharmaceuticals, Inc..
ii. Petitions for Certiorari - (Denied Jan. 9, 2012)
the National Research Council of the National Academies, Changed its Position
Concerning the 'Weight-of-Evidence' Approach, Even Though Governmental
Risk Assessment Assumptions Are Not Automatically Relevant For Proving
ii. Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence (Second Edition) (excerpts)
7. Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations Provided the Administration With a
Detailed SD "Greenprint" Containing Recommendations For Transforming U.S. Legal
& Scientific Standards
voice to the global public debate..."