"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
Lead-Free Electronics Assembly Forum
US Intervention in EU Chemical Policy - Environmental Health Fund Report (p. 2)
Strategic Intelligence Reports
Strategic-Road.com Geopolitical, Economy, Security & Technology Affairs
Administrative Law of the European Union: Rulemaking-Norm Creation (pp. 52, 54)
Peter L. Strauss (Faculty, Columbia Law School), Turner T. Smith, Jr. (Ret.) & Lucas Bergkamp (Hunton & Williams)
REACH For Chemical Safety - Vol. 11, No. 6 Nov./Dec. 2003 (pp. 11-12)
Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW)
Ducking the Truth About Europe's GMO Policy - Trade Protectionism
Zurich American Insurance Company
The Impact of Environmental Policies on Dairy Trade
(pp. 2-4, 7)
The Impact of Ecolabels and Certification Schemes in Forestry on ASEAN Timber Trade - Vol. 4 (pp. 40-41, 50)
Federal Preemption and State Anti-GM Food Laws
Washington Legal Foundation
To Provide ADR Owners With Certain Traditional SH Rights When Foreign Corporations Advocate on Significant U.S. Social Policy Issues or Significant U.S. Social Impacts
Action Fund Management, LLC
REACH is Finally Passed into EU Law
A View of New WTO Ruling on Genetically Modified Crops (p.34)
26 Biotechnology Law Report
Invoking the Waiver Provisions of Article 31: A Matter of Certainty or Precaution? (pp. 4, 20)
Shona Foster, (Award Runner-up)
New Environment, Health and Safety Developments: The Silver Nanoparticles Case Study (pp. 15-18)
ReedSmith, LLP Nanotechnology Teleseminar
Fazel papel de Robin Hood et nao e correto
Forum da Liberdade trata do papel da Propriedade
Associacao Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual
.New Threats to Globalization (presentation)
Saul Eslake, Former Chief Economist, Australia-New Zealand Banking Group
Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce
20th Asia Trade Promotion Forum
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
Industry, Trade & Professional References (2003-2007)